How is the period defined in OKR?
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OKR (Objectives and Key Results), as a method of setting goals and measuring results, is usually structured over three-month periods (quarters). However, depending on the needs of your company or team, periods can be defined as shorter (monthly) or longer (annual).
You select Settings -> Periods tab, it will bring you a list of all available periods and the currently active default period. If you are using it for the first time in your company, this screen will be empty.
To Define a New Period;
The + button should be selected in the upper right corner.
In the menu that opens, you are asked to write the name of the Period, the year the Period belongs to (the current year will appear automatically and can be changed if desired), select the Period Start Date and Period End Date. We fill in this information and click the Save button.
Setting the Current Period
If the Set as Current Period button is selected on the right side of the line that will be the Default Period, this period will be valid as the Active period.
Period Correction
By selecting the Edit button on the right side of the period to be changed, information about the period, start and end dates can be edited.
Delete Period
The period to be deleted must not be the Active Period. If the period to be deleted is the Active period, another period must first be set as the Current Period. The relevant period can be deleted by selecting the Delete button on the right side of the period line to be deleted.
OKR periods are often used to increase the focus of business units and to regularly measure performance. You can get information from our OKR consultant to determine what period is most suitable for your industry or team.