Can OKR also be used for personal goals?

OKR; Although we often associate it with corporate life, business goals and business processes, it is actually a method that we can use in our private lives and that will lead us to success in our personal goals as well.

In an interview with John Doerr at Recode Decode, Doerr is asked if he has personal OKRs. John Doerr's answer:

“You know, my daughters have left home, but I've read it before and I believe it's good to have a family meal together. So I set an OKR and shared it with my team, being home for dinner by 6pm and 20 nights a month and phone. We turned off the router and turned off the entire house's internet."

He said that he tried to be at home until 6 pm and added that "not only quantity but also quality is important"

If we convert this target to an OKR:

Objective: Spending quality time as a family.

KR 1: Be at home by 6 pm.

KR 2: Be present at home by turning off the phone 20 nights a month.

KR 3: Turn off internet.

We all desire to improve our lives and achieve our personal goals. What matters is how we do them. Objectives represent what we want to achieve, while KRs (key results) are our roadmap for how we will achieve it. As an example, we can write a personal OKR.

Objective: To reach the ideal weight by summer.

KR 1: Get your health checks done.

KR 2: Walk for at least 1 hour a day.

KR 3: Eat a diet rich in protein and vegetables.

In order to achieve these and similar goals in our private life, it is necessary to determine how we will reach that goal. However, this should not be confused with creating a to-do list, OKRs that we create in our private life will lead us to successful results, just like in business life. We can also share our personal OKRs with those around us, include them in these goals and set a common goal.

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