How to Set Company Goals in OKR?
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We select the My Company menu from the main menu.
You can view your institution's Organization Chart by selecting Show Online Organization Chart from the screen that opens.
To create a new target on the screen that appears, we select the + button at the top right. On the newly opened screen;
Goal: The name of our goal
Description: If we have a special description for the goal, we add it, otherwise we can leave this field blank.
Goal Type: Organization
Visibility: We can make the goal invisible by selecting Visible or Hidden.
Goal owner: This screen will come with a user account by default, but if desired, another user can be selected and the goal owner can be assigned.
Period: The period for which the goal will be assigned must be selected.
Start-End Date: The start and end dates of the goal must be selected.
Strategy: The strategy to which the goal is connected must be selected. We fill in the relevant fields and save. Now our goal is ready.
We can determine the weight distribution of the targets we have entered with the Weight Management button in the upper right corner. Here we need to pay attention to the fact that the total weight of the targets should be 100.
We select the period for which we want to view company targets from the List.
When we click on the three dots on the right side of the target to which we want to add a key result, we must select Add key result from the drop-down menu. On the pop-up screen;
Target: The relevant Target name will automatically appear.
Key Result: We write the key result name we want to add.
Description: If we have a special description for the key result we will add, we can specify it in this field or leave this field blank.
Visibility: If visible is selected from the drop-down menu, our key result will be visible, if hidden is selected, our key result will not be visible.
User: By default, the username logged into the system will appear, but you can assign the key result to that user by selecting another user here.
Team: We select the team to which the target to which we will add the key result is affiliated.
Project: We select the project to which the target to which we will add the key result is affiliated.
Metric: It is a numerical or measurable indicator used to measure the specified key results. We can determine 3 types of metrics as numerical, percentage and logical. If the unit is selected as Numeric, the initial value is zero (0) and as the target value, we can enter any numerical value we want for the entire job; if the second type of metric unit is determined as Percentage, the entirety is accepted as 100 units, the initial value is zero (0) and the target value is 100 and progress is recorded as a percentage. If the third logical unit is selected, the target value is selected here, for example, increasing customer satisfaction from 75% to 85%, if the measured value is below 85, it is considered unsuccessful, if it is 85 and above, it is considered successful.
When we click on the three dots on the right side of the target we want to give feedback to, we should select Give Feedback from the drop-down menu. On the pop-up screen;
We select the user we want to give feedback to. We select the target for feedback. We determine the feedback topic and send our feedback in writing.
When we click on the three dots on the right side of the target we want to edit, we should select edit from the drop-down menu. On the pop-up screen;
From the target editing screen, we update the fields we want to update and save.
When we click on the three dots on the right side of the target we want to delete, we can delete our target by selecting Delete from the drop-down menu.
When we click on the three dots on the right side of the target we want to clone, we should select Clone from the drop-down menu. It will create an exact copy of the selected target.
After selecting My Company from the Main Menu, the Company targets and the key results for the targets will be displayed on our screen. If we want, we can view the company targets for the desired period by clicking on change period.