How to track our OKRs?
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Takım OKR'lerinizi üç ayda bir ayarlamanız gerekirken, OKR'lerinizi her hafta gözden geçirmeniz önemlidir. Bu şekilde hedeflerinize doğru ilerleyip ilerlemediğinizi görebilir, ihtiyaç halinde ekip üyelerine geri bildirimde bulunabilirsiniz.
While you should set your team OKRs quarterly, it’s important to review your OKRs every week. This way, you can see if you’re making progress toward your goals and provide feedback to your team members if needed.
Plan your work and do weekly check-ins
It’s also important to incorporate OKRs into your weekly activities. Each week, think about what projects and plans you need to focus on to achieve those Goals and write them down. This way, you can see how all your efforts are helping you reach your goals. Checking in with your team once a week to see how your OKRs are progressing and what they’re doing is a huge help in getting you results.